Washpanel Service

We use the best available technology.

Il metodo Washpanel Service
Ottima qualità dei lavaggi
Great quality and uniformity of the cleaning service through our certified robots
Tecnologia esclusiva
One-of-a-kind technology guaranteed by Washpanel trademark.
Rete di partners
Available all over Italy through our partners’ network
Unico interlocutore
Single spokesperson for all your recurring services

How are panels
traditionally cleaned?

There are a lot of companies working into the PV plant cleaning sector. Only a few of them are specialized into solar plant cleaning. Many operate with unproper tools, endangering the PV plant cells structure walking over it or jeopardizing the surface transparency with inadequate tools (high pressure, cleansers, etc.)

Other companies use tools assembled over an operating machine or industrial non-certified brushes providing unproper results. They are not equipped with specific tools and they need many operators and expose them to security risk on the site. Manual cleaning also exposes the panels to several problems due to a non-uniform washing, which does not meet the expected quality level.

Our method

Washpanel Service has semiautomatic and manual certified robots to clean PV plants. They harness the best available technology in the world. All cleaning services, subject to a prior evaluation and inspection of the site or an examination of a picture dossier sent by the customer, are then organized and the right model is selected from the wide Washpanel range.

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Washpanel Italian Quality

The WP EVO machines is selected depending on the PV plant configuration (2 vertical panels, 4 horizontal panels, etc). There are several dimensions available for the cleaning. The machine will then clean the whole row in a single treatment, respecting the panel’s surfaces. The machine’s speed (up to 20m/min) allows a cleaning in a truly short time.

In case the plant does not have a regular surface, our team can use some further manual machines from WP MM and WP MM shaft series. They have a 1-meter width and allow a fast and effective washing, too.

All machines use rotating anti-scratch brushes to clean they are battery powered and use low pressure water (around 3 bar) which makes the cleaning operation more comfortable and reduces the risks. Water used for washing is previously softened to 0° French degrees (water hardness) to avoid stains, a better cleaning durability and a reduced risk of future dirt creation.

The use of dedicated tools and a precise cleaning method allow Washpanel to carry PV plant cleaning operations with a reduced number of skilled operators. This aspect significantly limits security risks on the site. Furthermore, at the end of the cleaning activity WP creates a photo report including some drone pictures to certify the completion of works and the effectiveness of the intervention.

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